Do you constantly feel sluggish or tired at work? Are your energy levels usually low. These 6 changes in your life can help you boost energy throughout the day.

Whether you work at home or in an office these tips would help you stay energized, alert and productive.

boost energy at work

6 Changes In Your Life to Help Boost Energy


1) Take Regular Breaks

It could be hard to concentrate on a task at work for a long period of time before getting tired or distracted.

To address this, aim to work in 45 – 60 minutes intervals then take a 5 to 10 minutes break. Use that time to stretch or do other mundane tasks.

Taking regular breaks will help you boost energy while working and throughout the day.


2) Stay Fit/Exercise

Exercise has been proven time and again to boost energy. Join a gym if you can, take walks, go swimming, or use an exercise dvd to keep fit. Find what works for you and stick to it.

By exercising you get your blood circulating and your heart rate up. This releases endorphins that give you a sense of euphoria.


3) Eat More Energy Boosting Foods

What we eat affects how we feel. Have you noticed that when you eat junk food you feel heavy and sluggish.

Make it a conscious effort to replace high calorie or high fat processed foods with more natural whole foods. Substitute refined grained foods with whole grain foods.

Examples of foods that can give you an energy boost are: oats, salmon, beans, spinach, lentils, broccoli, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, plain low-fat yogurt, asparagus, sweet potatoes, eggs (in moderation) and fruits such as avocado, berries, bananas, apricots, pineapples, mangos, papaya.

Also remember that, the most important food of the day is breakfast. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast, which can include wholegrain cereals, everyday to help boost your energy through out the day.


4) Drink more water

Some people tend to drink caffeine or energy drinks to boost energy. Unfortunately caffeine/energy drinks only gives you a sense of false energy. You feel energetic for a while then suddenly you feel more tired than before. Skip the caffeine and drink water instead.

The brain is mostly made up of water, so you need to stay hydrated. Drinking water helps you think better, stay focused and productive.

The recommended amount to drink is 2 litres a day (about eight glasses) so get your drinking on!

Also you can make and drink your own juices from veggies and fruits.


5) Get some rest

Lack of sleep can definitely have an impact on your energy levels. It is recommended that every adult should get at least 6-7 hours of sleep.

I know this isn’t always possible for working mothers especially if you have a baby or toddler who keeps waking up in the middle of the night. Just do the best you can and get rest when you can.

Check out this article for more tips on staying awake at work.


6) Laugh More

Laughing boosts energy. Laughter they also say is the best medicine.Β  It helps you burn calories and improves your mood as well. When you laugh you exercise the muscles in your face, you breathe faster hence sending oxygen to your lungs.

Learn not to take yourself to seriously and find some humor in whatever happens in your life. You will feel more energized when you laugh more.


So what tips do you have on how to boost energy? Please share in the comment section below. Thanks!