Working mums face a great challenge, in trying to manage the many aspects of their daily lives. We have to be able to balance our career and business with what our clients, bosses and colleagues expect of us along with the significant challenge of raising a happy family.

Five simple habits

It isn’t easy being a super working mum but by developing some simple effective habits, a super working mum can create a career or a business that is fulfilling and financially rewarding.

There are various habits that every Super working mum should develop. However here are five simple habits that I want to share with you today.

My Five Simple Habits


Habit 1: Start Your day right

Develop the simple habit of starting your day right by planning and getting organised the evening before. Put everything you need for your morning together in one place. Also sort out children’s items as well. That way when you wake up you are not rushing about looking for a missing sock or your car keys.

Also start your day right by sleeping early so you can wake up early refreshed and ready to engage in prayer, reading the bible and worship. It is important that you stay plugged in to God who is your source of strength and wisdom.


Habit 2: Protect your productive hours

Our time is very valuable so it is important that we use it wisely. Figure out your most productive hours and  get into the simple habit of protecting those hours.  Use this time to do your most important tasks. Do not succumb to the temptation of checking emails, or social media during these hours. You can always do Facebook, twitter and responding to emails later during your down time.

If a lot of your work involves your email then I suggest you try using Evernote. Simply move action items from your inbox to Evernote and then deal with them there so you don’t get distracted.

Alternatively if you have a virtual assistant get them to check your email for you and alert you to urgent or important emails.

Also learn how to say no, when people place demands on you during your productive hours. Politely tell them to come back later or that you will get back to them later (and please do). Put your phone on silent if you need to during this time.

When you do your most important tasks during your most productive hours you realise that you get more done in a shorter period of time (think of the 80/20 rule). Invariably you are moving one step closer to a successful career or business by protecting your productive hours.


Habit 3: Take a proper lunch break

Most people I know, including myself forget to take a PROPER lunch break. At my corporate job I use to eat my lunch at my desk whilst working. Even now when I work from home or on a client’s site I sometimes forget to take a lunch break.

Learn the habit of taking a proper lunch break. If you work in an office, go to lunch with others to unwind and even to network. If you work from home step away from your laptop to have lunch and unwind.

You will feel much more alert and productive when you come back to work.


Habit 4: Ignore the mind monkeys

Another simple habit you should develop as a super working mum is to ignore the mind monkeys. The chatter in your head, which tells you, you are not good enough as a mum or not smart enough at work or in business.

What is your internal dialogue like? Is it positive or negative? If negative you need to stop that habit and change it.

Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions and your actions shape what your life will look like. So it all starts with what you are thinking.

You have the power to control your thoughts so begin to exercise that power today!


Habit 5: Ask for help

I keep saying this, just because we are super mums does not mean we can do it all. No woman is an island. If you are not good at something or you are juggling a lot, stop stressing and simply ask for help.


It could be in the form of delegating or outsourcing or getting an assistant. At home it could mean getting a cleaner and sometimes a baby sitter. It could mean assigning chores to your children and even getting your husband on board to help.

I recently found a handy website called Fancy Hands which I use to outsource some tasks. They help you with your non core tasks that need to be done anyway. From researching to booking you a doctor’s appointment, they can sort out many things for you. Do check them out.

Also seek to get support from other working mums who know what it feels like to juggle life and work.

Professional mentoring and help may also provide the support you really need in this phase of your life. If you need help or support, if you desire to get balance & fulfilment in your life then you can join the Faith, Family and Financial Inner Circle. Click the link for more details.


They say it takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Which one of these simple habits above do you need to develop in your life today?  Which one will make the most difference to you? Please share.

Start now and see the difference it will make in your life.