40 Online Business Ideas For You

40 Online Business Ideas For You

In this season we are in, with social distancing and remote working is the time for you to seriously consider starting an online business. It is no news except you are living under a rock that a global recession has hit the whole world as a result of Covid-19....

Monetising My Skill

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of sharing with a Business Facebook group on how I monetised my skills and I thought it would be good to share it here with my blog readers. A lot of people especially mothers are looking for extra income or would love to work...

Why do budgets fail?

Nearly all of us, as working mums have tried to tame an out of control financial situation and the first thing we are told is to make a budget.  This is all well and good, however, does anything ACTUALLY CHANGE?  Usually not. I know that from experience. You are left...

Can Money Make You Happy?

Can money make you happy? Deep question! This is a thought provoking guest post on money & happiness by Justina Rosu.   ************************************************** ‘Money can’t buy happiness’ is one of those sayings that I find really frustrating and I have...