A lot of mRunning a business alongside a jobums I know are running a business alongside a job due to one reason or the other. Having two incomes can help bring the financial freedom you need in your family. The steady income from a full time job can help finance the business, some mums enjoy the diversity the career and the business brings. Whilst, some mothers intend to become full time business owners once the business starts bringing in substantial income.

It can be hard running a business alongside a job. One or the other may suffer. However it is very possible to juggle both business, career with family if you are focused and have a plan.

In this blog post, I want to share with you 7 important things you should know about running a business alongside a job successfully.

Before I started running my business full time, during my maternity leave, I held a full time job and ran my business at the same time. It was tough but achievable.

If you are considering starting a business whilst in full/part time employment or you are already doing so but struggling, these steps will help you manage your different roles more effectively.


1. Have a clear work/life vision

Decide how much time you want to spend on the business, how much the business will bring in and what you want to achieve by certain dates.

Design a schedule that will help you spend time on the things that are important to you. The way you spend your day is the way you spend your life.

Make sure you commit your plans to God so that he can order your steps.


2. Learn to manage your time more wisely

Depending on if you are a morning person or night owl, you will want to have a dedicated time to focus and work on your business when there are no distractions from family, the phone etc.

If you are a morning person, wake up early and work on your business projects before everyone else wakes up and it is time to head into work.

If you are a night owl, stay up late after tucking everyone including the hubby into bed and do your work.

If you work part time and have one or two days off work, then make sure you focus on working on your business during those days. Just pretend you are at work and use your office hours to do business work.

Be focused. Outline what you need to achieve during your dedicated time and get on it so that you can move closer to a life you love.



3. Delegate More

Running a business alongside a job can take a toll on you. You may find that you are more tired mentally and physically. Add in domestic chores, cooking, taking care of your family to the whole mix. This can make you tear your hair out and snap at everyone.

You need to take care of you if you want to be on top at work and in your business.

Get a cleaner, hire a babysitter when needed, outsource your bulk cooking once in a while so that you don’t get burnt out.


4. Have systems and processes in place

Organise your business as soon as possible by ensuring that you have systems and processes in place for managing your customers, organising your paperwork and receipts, logging your revenue and costs, updating your website etc. This will make life easier for you.

Employ a VA in your business who you can outsource admin type things to or other things that are not core functions for you. That way you can achieve more balance all round in your life.


5. Make sure your business has an online presence

In the internet era that we live in now, you don’t have to be physically present to make money in your business. Whilst you are at work, someone somewhere is buying something from your website.

With a smartphone, you can do business on the run. You can easily take orders, respond to clients needs during your break, on the bus or train ride to and back from work, and during your down time.


6. Build up a support network of similar people

You will need like minded mums who are going through similar challenges to boost you when things don’t work out as you planned, when the going gets tough or when you feel like giving up.

No woman is an island and knowing that there are others like you out there going through similar struggles can help you change your attitude on your situation.


7. Get a business coach

Having a business coach can help you clarify and articulate your goals and aim as high as possible — well outside your comfort zone. A business coach can help you create realistic plans and identify any barriers or obstacles that are stopping you from achieving your goals.


Bonus important point

One more important thing you should know. Be sure that your business does not conflict with your job. Read the terms and conditions of your work place to find out what it is you can or cannot do business wise. Usually most companies do not allow you to have a business in a similar industry so make sure you are not violating this rule. Make sure that you are not doing your business work during work hours. Hard to do I know, but it is the right thing to do.


I asked some mums in the Facebook SWM group how they manage to run a business alongside a job and here are two great answers I got back:


Sarah Teibo of www.safojo.com said:

It’s not easy. Thankfully I only work 4 days a week so I catch up on quite a bit on Fridays.

I do try and be organised e.g batch cook at the weekend, get a cleaner in every now and again and shop online to free up time for working on my business.

I think another major help is my husband who happily helps out where needed to help ease the burden.

It’s not so easy, but being a bit more organised, delegating where necessary and knowing when to ask for help have helped a lot. I may not get everything done, but I try to prioritise and get the important things done”


Tracey of www.traycees.com said

“I write up my to dos for the week, prioritise them and I use my Fridays to execute some of my tasks.

Also being a night owl, I use that time to do some research as the children are in bed at that time. I may not do all on my list but the important things get done.”


Like I said before, it may be tough running a business alongside a job but it is doable with the right mindset and right support.

If you need support in juggling the various aspects of your life as a working mum, check out the Faith, Family and Financial Freedom Inner Circle which can help you achieve this.

What tips do you have about running a business alongside a job? Do share!