Today, we have a guest post from a lovely mum, Yetty Williams founder of on reviewing your year and finishing strong. Enjoy!

As the year starts to wrap up to a close, companies amidst reviewing performance are planning end of year parties and corporate gifts.

For you Your Yearthere is an increased tempo in planning for the holidays, some good planners have probably started their Christmas shopping.

What about you and your personal review?

As we get ready for the end of the year this is also a good time for you to take stock of you. Are there things you had planned at the beginning of the year? Certain habits you had planned to change. Projects you undertook?

Most people start the Year with New Year resolutions but do not spend any time at the end of year assessing how they did.

This year can be different as you decide to spend some time carrying out a personal review of your year.

In reviewing you are able to figure out what worked and what did not.

  • Where did you fall short and why?
  • What did you do well and why?

In reviewing and taking stock you can be in a position to continue to improve and change the things that have not worked for you – it is not helpful to repeat the same actions that do not give you the results you desire.

You can still finish the year with a flourish. Finishing with a flourish is not about the number of things you did or didn’t do but having a plan to accomplish the things you want to.

[Tweet “You can still finish the year with a flourish.”]

There are some suggestions to help with this self-review and helping you as you plan for the next year.

What is your vision?

There is no right or wrong answer, you simply need to have a vision for all aspects of your life. Just as a company starts to plan and work out its budget for the next year, so should you as an individual have a vision for your life.

What is your strategy?

Strategy is defined as a method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future or achievement of a goal. Other words for strategy are master plan, proposed action and set of tactics.

Strategy is not only limited to a company, you should strive to have a personal strategy for your life. Resolutions or goals made without a plan do not materialise.

What is your priority?

There are several hats we wear and it is critical to assess what is important to you. The act of balancing involves doing what matters when it matters.

As a multi-tasking person you might be a parent, spouse, employee, employer and active in your community. However everything cannot be top priority at the same time, the act of balancing ensures you are doing what matters at the right time.

What is your commitment level?

This is the biggest question, everyone can dream and have plans. As a mentor once told me a dream stays a dream if you don’t take action to make it happen.

If you are committed to your vision, have a plan to achieve it and then commit to it you will see that you are taking steps towards your goal.

Learn to forgive yourself

Assessing what you have done or not yet accomplished towards the end of the year is not an opportunity for a pity party or to be discouraged.

My son asked me if I make mistakes and I said yes, everyone makes mistakes. To which he answered “Yes only God doesn’t make mistakes right?”

If you don’t try you will never know, if you don’t have a plan you might not get there, if you don’t review what you have done you cannot improve.

Be Thankful

Have an attitude of gratitude. There is so much to be thankful for and as you review your year remember that there are many things you did do right or situations you can learn from.

In all things give thanks!

So as we approach the end of the year let us pause and take stock and review our personal lives thankfully and thoughtfully, a review puts you in position to plan towards the next year.

Contributed by Yetty Williams, Founder & CEO LagosMums, a resource for mindful and collaborative parenting tips. You can connect with her on her website and follow her on twitter: @lagosmums