forgot birthdayAre you awful at remembering birthdays of friends, family, colleagues and clients? Is the only time you remember someone’s birthday when facebook alerts you? What happens to those that are not on facebook. Sadly they get forgotten.

How do you feel when people remember your birthday? Special, right? Me too!

Yes I know we are all busy saving the world, juggling life, extinguishing fires and being super mums but we should not forget the simple things in life like remembering birthdays of loved ones.

At a young age, I learnt from my mum that remembering people’s birthdays was a kind and special thing to do. She is GREAT at it- she never forgets birthdays of friends, family, in-laws, church members you name it. I am not a PRO like her but it always puts a smile on my face when people are delighted that I remember their birthdays.

DO you want to stop being bad at remembering birthdays? Then let me share with you a very simple way of ALWAYS remembering. No, this does not involve facebook, or an app or what have you. In fact you will be surprised when I tell you HOW.

Continue reading to find out my secret to remembering birthdays.

Back in the days, before the advent of mobile phones, I had a small calendar booklet where I noted down the birthdays of my family and friends. I looked at it everyday to check if it was someone’s birthday and I sent him or her a card or a message to wish him or her happy birthday. People always wondered how I remembered and were always delighted I did.

Now facebook has taken over and a lot of us rely on facebook to remind us of birthdays. If you are my friend on facebook, you will notice my birthday is not there. May seem cheeky but that’s because I expect people who care to remember my birthday without the help of facebook. Anyway, enough about me.

The Secret To Becoming AWESOME At Remembering Birthdays

So you ask how can I become a PRO at remembering birthdays? I know there are other apps or tools out there that help with remembering birthdays but trust me you don’t need any fancy apps. Let’s keep it simple, shall we?

Surprisingly or not – you already have the tool you need. YOUR PHONE. Yes. I want to believe that every mobile phone has a reminder facility or a calendar on it.

remembering birthdaysAll you need is to note someone’s birthday once. As soon as you know, get your phone, go to your calendar, click add new event and type in “xxx’s birthday”. Set the time for your alert. The early the better, so you can be one of the first to wish the person a happy birthday.  🙂

Now that is not all.  Look for where it says, “Repeat” or “Repeat Event” and then change that to “Yearly”. Make sure “End Repeat” is set to “Never”. Also make sure you set “Alert” to may be 5 minutes before or the exact time you set the reminder for.

Click Done and that is it. For as long as you have that phone, you will never forget a birthday ever again.

Now the best part, once your phone reminds you of someone’s birthday- time to take action and SHINE. Send them a message, an e-card, a card or an email to wish them happy birthday. I can guarantee you that your friend, loved one and clients will feel special that you remembered especially if they are not on facebook or like me don’t have their birthday publicized on facebook.

Some people are good with remembering birthdays by heart but sometimes life gets in the way and you may forget. By setting a reminder on your phone, it is almost guaranteed that you will remember.

Very simple right? Try it from today and let me know how you get on. Remembering birthdays is part of what makes you super and most of all loving.

This secret does not only apply to birthdays but anniversaries and any other special dates.

So how good are you at remembering birthdays? What is your secret for not forgetting birthdays? Do share! I would love to know.