It appears overwhelm has creeped in on us this month! I have spoken to a number of my  woman stressed with workmentees and most of them are tired and overwhelm. I was not left out.. Overwhelm stopped over in my house and I hosted it for a few days but now I have set it packing.

Are you overwhelmed? How are you dealing with it?…Are you wallowing in self pity or taking control.

Here are some of the tips I would like to share to help you send overwhelm packing

1. Take a break

Everything in the world seems wrong when​​​​​ you are overwhelmed. My dear, you have permission to take a break from all you are doing to reset. Everyone and everything can wait while you rest. You can only give your best to your husband, children, business, career etc when you are rested and thinking straight. So take that break- take a walk, go to the spa, go for a meal by yourself or with friends, sleep….just do anything out of your normal routine.


[Tweet “You can only give your best to your family and work when you are rested and thinking straight”]

2. Do a brain dump

When you are rested, write down everything lurking in your mind… from the little things to the big things. Then decide:

  1. which ones you can delegate
  2. which ones you need to do by yourself
  3. which ones you can discard completely

A strategic in depth method on how to conquer your “brain dump” is shared in one of our Super Working Mum Academy modules.

​​3. Simplify

When there is clutter all around you…it weighs you down. What clutter do you have​​ in your home? Get rid of it. The more things you have, the more you have to figure out what to do with them. So simplify your life by getting rid of the things you don’t need.  I am working through the clutter in my home and simplifying my life for my own sanity!

​​4. Ask for help

Don’t try to do it all by yourself. Who can you ask for help, with childcare, laundry, admin tasks etc you name it. What is that thing that you find draining but you can either pay someone to do or ask someone to sort out. Go on and ask… it does not make you less of a Super Working Mum.

​​5. Use Essential oils

I love love love essential oils (EO). To deal with overwhelm and anxiety there are different essential oils you can use. I tend to use either of the following oils:

  • Wild orange: This essential oil is known to increase positivity. It uplifts the mind and body. Personally when I use wild orange, I feel happier and giddy. Less is more when it comes to essential oils. I usually add one drop to my diffuser necklace so I can carry it around with me. Click here for a type of diffuser necklace similar to the one I use.


  • Peppermint: this is one of my favorite oils. It helps to alleviate headaches, boosts my energy and clears my mind.  I diffuse this around the house and also add in a few drops in when taking a shower in the mornings. This oil can be mixed with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil if you want to use on/with your children.


  • Frankincense: This oil is called the king of oils. You would probably recgonise this name from one of the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus, when he was born. It promotes relaxation, feeling of peace and wellness. It also helps relief stress and anxiety.  Some people believe that the fragrance of frankincense can increase your intuition and spiritual connection. I usually just inhale directly from the bottle when I am feeling a bit anxious. This oil can be mixed with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil.


  • Lavender- another one of my favourites. It helps with easing depression and anxiety. I use this mainly at night to promote good sleep as it has a calming effect on me. I put a drop on my pillow or diffuse when I am about to go to bed. This oil can be used neat with no need of a carrier oil. I also use this oil under the feet of my children (with socks on) when they are a bit restless to help calm them down…and during nap times.



All of these EOs have other marvelous benefits but because we are talking about overwhelm today I will stick to the applicable benefits these oils provide.

With time I will be sharing more of my journey with EOs as I believe every Super Working Mum should have essential oils as part of their lifestyle.

The great thing about EOs is that you only need a few drops to experience the benefits. Like I said less is more when it comes to EOs as they are very powerful and if used wrongly can cause harm instead of good.

If you want to get some of these oils you can check out here. Click shop and follow the steps to browse through the oils. To get them at wholesale price (25% off retail price) it is worth joining as an Independent product consultant.

​​6. Meditate on the word of God

Lastly when feeling overwhelmed, get a scripture and meditate on it. Say it to yourself out loud or repeat it in your mind. Listen to some calm music. Journaling about this scripture and what is causing the overwhelm will also put things in perspective for you.

I hope you find one or all of these tips using in sending overwhelm packing when it comes knocking at your door.

How do you deal with overwhelm? Leave me a comment and share.