Start your day right

Start your day right

How do you start your day? Do you intentionally spend some time with God or do you jump out of the bed rushing about throughout the day. Today I want to encourage you to start your day right with having a dedicated quiet time everyday. I know the topic of “quiet...
What to do when waiting for your breakthrough

What to do when waiting for your breakthrough

Some of you have been waiting for your breakthrough for years, months, weeks, days and wondering when it will happen. Some of you have been in and out of faith. You are all pumped up then suddenly get discouraged. You then say something that undoes your time of...
Did I hear God Wrong?

Did I hear God Wrong?

A few months ago, I heard God give me a specific instruction concerning an area of my life and even though it sounded very weird, I obeyed. Then I heard him tell me something better was coming, he was very specific and I was so excited. However everything seem to go...
When should I quit my 9-5 job?

When should I quit my 9-5 job?

I got this question from one of the ladies in the SWM Academy: “When should I quit my 9-5 job so I can focus full time on business or ministry?” I gave her my answer based on my own experience which I will like to share with you. My view happens to be from a biblical...